Pinnacle Actuarial Resources Welcomes Back Chen as Senior Consulting Actuary
Bloomington, Ill. – Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. (Pinnacle), a leading property and casualty actuarial consulting firm, has announced the return of Michael K. Chen back to the firm as a senior consulting actuary.
“We are very pleased to welcome Michael back to Pinnacle,” said Pinnacle Managing Principal Joe Herbers. “It gives us great satisfaction when accomplished and talented professionals like Michael return to our organization. He is an outstanding addition to our already very strong predictive analytics team, and joins a group that continues to innovate and drive value for our clients.”
Chen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Iowa in Iowa City. He has 20 years of actuarial experience including as a commercial pricing actuary for FBL Financial Group and actuarial analyst for American Republic Insurance Company.
Prior to his return to Pinnacle, Chen was a director at a large consulting firm where he directly contributed to client projects and lead execution of individual prospect sales strategies. He will focus on applying predictive analytics techniques to the insurance process, performing traditional actuarial analyses and furthering fairness and machine learning research in his role at Pinnacle.
Chen has been a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS) since 2009. In 2007, he became a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). He currently serves on the CAS Professionalism Education Working Group. He is a former member of the CAS Exam Committee and is a frequent speaker at a variety of professional association meetings such as the CAS Annual Meeting and other actuarial meetings.
He will be located in Des Moines, Iowa.
Pinnacle is an independent, full-service actuarial firm focused on the property and casualty insurance industry. With a home office in Bloomington, Ill., the firm also has offices in Atlanta, Chicago and San Francisco. Pinnacle is owned by its professional staff and ranks among the largest property/casualty actuarial firms in the United States. To learn about Pinnacle’s Commitment Beyond Numbers, please visit www.pinnacleactuaries.com.