Our expertise with a wide variety of health care specialties includes:
- Chiropractors
- Emergency medicine
- Hospitals, including childrens’ and teaching hospitals
- Local, heterogeneous physician groups
- Nurses, including certified registered nurse anesthetists
- Nursing homes and residential treatment centers for youths
- Obstetricians and gynecologists
- Occupation medicine centers
- Patient compensation funds, including birth-related neurological injury funds
- Physician staffing
- Podiatrists
- Radiologists
- Surgeons
Pinnacle’s experts understand the spectrum of risks inherent in delivering health care services in today’s litigious environment. We have provided actuarial consulting services in every aspect of medical professional liability insurance at the local, state and national levels. Our customers include health care providers, captive managers, medical professional liability insurers, insurance regulators, legislators, industry associations and government insurance programs.
By working with the unique issues associated with numerous specialties and state reform types, as well as both traditional and alternative insurance programs, our experience equips us to develop accurate and efficient strategies to help you strategically manage your health care liability exposures.
If you’re a health care provider pursuing alternative risk management strategies, such as captive insurance companies and risk retention groups, we can help by designing your program, estimating the impact of modifying or eliminating certain services, and even investigating the cost-benefit of new technology to reduce medical errors.
Health Care/MPL Experts
Health Care/MPL Services
Alternative Risk Transfer Program DesignPinnacle helps alternative market risk owners, captive managers and service providers determine risk retentions that optimize the balance between the cost of risk transfer and loss volatility.
ArbitrationMany of our consultants are experienced as expert witnesses in arbitrations, and are ARIAS-certified arbitrators.
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis — whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use — as closely as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Collateral NegotiationsPinnacle provides loss reserve analyses and other diagnostics in support of collateral negotiations associated with deductible and/or self-insured retentions.
Health Care/MPL Industries
Who We Serve in Health Care/MPL
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