Michael Chen in suit coat with gray background

Michael Chen

Senior Consulting Actuary
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Areas of Focus
Insurers, Predictive Analytics, Pricing/Product Management

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Michael re-joined Pinnacle in 2023 after three years with a large consulting firm. Michael has been in the property/casualty industry since 2003, focusing on pricing and product development. He has developed homeowners, private passenger auto, farmowners, crop insurance and commercial lines pricing solutions through the design and implementation of advanced predictive models.

Michael has worked extensively on the application of advanced statistical modeling techniques to the insurance process. His experience in predictive analytics applications include rating and underwriting plan design, homeowners by peril analyses, auto vehicle characteristics analyses and scorecard development, territory boundary development and commercial lines pricing. Michael has made numerous presentations on topics relating to predictive analytics, its application to insurance and professionalism.

Michael performs traditional actuarial analyses, including overall rate level indications, rate and rule filings, regulatory support and assessment of company financial experience. He develops risk classification plans through assessment of underwriting profitability, competitive analysis and research of insurance laws. He also performs rate filing reviews for departments of insurance.

He has also designed custom underwriting scorecards, developed claim triage scorecards, peer-reviewed and advised companies on their analytics processes, and performed loss reserving analyses.